Circles of Eternity

Here’s this week’s reflection. I hope it resonates with you and ask that, if you enjoyed, please comment and share on your social media. Heartfelt thanks for all your support!

Keeping the light on for you,


Listen to the audio version here

Gold and silver rings encircle a finger on my right hand. Recently refurbished, these circles of infinity whisper to me from the women who paved the way for my existence.  These slim, tangible tokens are worn together — a modern melding of distinct personalities into a wider band of love, camaraderie, and deep sisterhood. Acquired over many years, this collection reminds me of the quiet ancestral strength they embody. My decision to wear them is rooted in a desire to free these voices. 

These women endured limitations. A Victorian father denied a college education due to cost for a girl. Two were domestically oppressed, their true voices kept low for their children’s delicate, honest ears; offspring who would grow into knowing a mother’s true fortitude. One was widowed during life’s prime, going it alone with stamina and grace to make ends meet. One woman would not live to participate in her own childhood. Another, abandoned without explanation, would go it alone to rear two disparate souls, then die alone of a broken heart. Still another would serendipitously fall into a loving safety net, but the grip of depression would deny her true satisfaction and gratitude.

Nearly all missed out on an easy ride. Cogs in the grinding machine of working-class life, they persevered in both journey and spirit and sought enough solid footing to propagate a legacy of strength and resilience. While they may not have always spoken up, they always showed up

This is why every glance at the freshly polished metal makes me smile. I love the patina of age and seeing these ladies glow again makes my heart sing. Just as these women had avowed and received promises when these circular mementos were initially placed, I too have made commitments for the long haul: to nurture my marriage, family, and also myself; to embrace where life takes us; and to cultivate bravery to lift my small voice. While my female kin were disinclined or not permitted to speak their minds, my world is thankfully, extraordinarily different.

By wearing these rings, I consciously celebrate my womanly countenance. Differing widths of white and yellow gold blend warm and cool seasons of life in their never-ending circles, uniting all these voices. If only these ladies could see and hear the beautiful chorus they represent together.

I encourage you to locate wearable pieces of your past and tap into the history they provide. In an unpredictable world such items offer tradition and stability. A simple polish restores the luster of loving remembrance, adding a soulful lift with each look their way. Allow these pieces the freedom of physical wear and expression in a modern era. Items beyond repair can be cast into new styles with their flicker of lineage illuminating a contemporary iteration all the more. 

So much history awaits, as long as we are willing to look for, and resurrect, unbending tokens of love from our past. 

I hope you enjoy what I’ve shared from my heart! If you’d like to have my reflections delivered to your inbox every Friday morning, please subscribe below. Ending the week with a smile or warm memory makes the grind of life a little easier, don’t you think? We’re all on this ride together!

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Carol A. Craig